ON/OFF HIRE Bunker and Condition Survey


On-Hire Surveys / Off-Hire Surveys of vessels determine the condition of a vessel before it is delivered into a charter, or redelivered from a charter. This way both parties are ensured to have the correct information on its condition.

By comparing both surveys, one can determine the extent of damage, other than fair wear and tear, which may have occurred to the ship between two dates.

The report should reflect in detail the condition of the cargo spaces, structures and deck as well as determining the general condition of the machinery, fuel on board, main ship’s certificates, cleanliness of the holds etc.

A hire condition survey is most frequently required to be performed combined with a bunker survey.  But on occasion, the bunker survey is only required with the understanding that either no damage has been caused to the structural spaces or where both parties have reached an agreement.

A Bunker Survey consists of determining the amount of fuel that each tank on a ship has at any given time.

In a Bunker Survey you have to calculate the different kinds of fuels that the ship may carry, such as Fuel Oil (High or Low sulphur content) Marine Diesel Oil etc. and work out the exact amount of each type of fuel that it has.

An accurate calculation of the amount of fuel on board can save the Owner and/or Operator a great deal of money by avoiding discrepancies between the two and having the Surveyor act as a third party.

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